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Discover New Possibilities with Tbibi

Your entire business centralized in one place. Download now for instant access or request your branded system tailored to your unique needs.

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Introducing Tbibi, the game-changer for medical offices and their patients alike! Step into a realm where managing healthcare is as effortless as a routine checkup. Tbibi offers a revolutionary app that seamlessly connects patients with their healthcare providers, putting essential medical services right at their fingertips.


Introducing Tbibi, the ultimate solution for medical offices seeking to streamline their operations and deliver exceptional patient care. Tbibi makes it easier than ever to manage patient records, doctor schedules, and appointment bookings efficiently. Our intuitive platform empowers medical staff to assign appointments, monitor patient progress, and ensure optimal care delivery, enhancing both patient satisfaction and loyalty.

Tbibi ensures a healthcare journey that begins with ease and ends with well-being. Our user-friendly interface allows patients to book appointments effortlessly, whether for a routine checkup or a specialized consultation. With real-time updates, patients can say goodbye to uncertainty, knowing exactly when they’ll be seen by their healthcare provider.

Experience the future of healthcare management with Tbibi for medical offices.

Appointment Booking

Tbibi puts the power of healthcare management in the palm of your hand. Allow your patients to effortlessly book their next appointment with just a few taps, ensuring prompt and reliable care whenever they need it.

Patient Management

Take command of your practice with Tbibi's advanced Patient Management tools. Monitor, track, and optimize patient records with precision and ease, ensuring efficient and effective care at every step.

Doctor Schedule Management

With Tbibi, you can efficiently assign schedules, monitor, and optimize your medical staff, ensuring optimal efficiency and patient satisfaction.

How the Tbibi

System Works


Set up Your Account


To set up your account with Tbibi, simply tap on 'Create New Account' in the first view. Here, you'll enter essential details such as your medical office name, your website, and your contact number where patients can call to book appointments. Fill out the form, and gain instant access to your system, ready to deliver top-notch healthcare services. It's that easy—streamline your operations and let your patients connect effortlessly to schedule their appointments, optimizing engagement and patient satisfaction.

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Set Up Your Medical Office


Simply navigate to the section for managing your medical services within the Tbibi app. From there, you'll find an option to add a new services. Click on it, and you'll be prompted to input details such as the name, description, pricing (if you want to show prices to your patients) and duration, and any other relevant information for that specific service. Once you've filled in all the details, just save the changes, and voilà!

Your medical service is now set up in the app with all the essential info and ready to be assigned. Repeat this process for each service in your office, and you'll have everything neatly organized and easily accessible within the Tbibi app.


Efficient Patient Triage with FDAR Documentation

Optimizing patient triage with Tbibi ensures a streamlined and effective healthcare process. By incorporating FDAR (Focus, Data, Action, Response) documentation into the app, healthcare providers can enhance their patient assessments with precision and clarity. The FDAR method allows medical professionals to focus on critical aspects of patient care, document essential data accurately, and track actions and responses systematically. This structured approach facilitates comprehensive patient evaluations, ensuring that each patient’s needs are addressed promptly and effectively. With Tbibi’s integration of FDAR, medical offices can improve communication among staff, enhance patient care quality, and maintain meticulous records, ultimately leading to better health outcomes and increased operational efficiency.

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